söndag 9 januari 2011

Sara Isaksson - Red Eden

Sara Isaksson sjunger May (skriven av M.Terefe & N.Whitecross) på skivan Red Eden från 1995 och det är så sorgligt...


May goes to the laundrette
and she stares at the spinning wheel
trying hard to remember
but she´s forgotten how to feel
she drops another coin in the box
looks out on a rainy street

she catches a reflection
and looks shy
to her feet
to the ground
it´s been a while since
she listened to that sound
of her heart

May is just a little bit sad
she´s a little bit worried about the rent
and the bills piled up in the hall
May feels nothing at all
she thinks she´s looking too old
looking to grey
nobody sees her anyway
and May feels nothing at all

she picks up a magazine
while she waits for the cycle to end
girls smile back at her
and she tries hard to pretend

and May keeps staring through the glass
at the turn of the spinning wheel

May is just a little bit sad
she´s a little bit worried about the rent
and the bills piled up in the hall
May feels nothing at all
she thinks she´s looking too old
looking to grey
nobody sees her anyway
and May feels nothing at all


1 kommentar:

  1. letat järnet efter den här texten sedan min cd försvann. tack! grym låt btw
